It was good to get ourselves tied up on a mooring in Serengan Harbour as Jerry wanted to remove the gearbox and take a look at why it is rattling again. I won’t deny that I am (and probably Jerry) are pretty fed up with the way it has been after a rebuild in Senibong but as all yachties know we just have to deal with it and get it fixed as best we can and move on. Firstly though we got off the boat for the night and went to stay with our friends Steve and Cheryl at their villas in Sanur and enjoyed the pool, the king, size bed, the airconditioning and everything else you would expect from 5 star accommodation plus the company of friends from home to chat to. We can highly recommend Taman Kesari Villas to anyone wanting somewhere private but close to shops and beach in Sanur.
Returning to the boat it was time to tackle the gearbox and I sent an email to family telling them of our day, it went something like this.
And so the fun begins! Jerry removed the back of the gbx & gave it a whirl, no funny sounds & all appeared to be in tact & running smoothly. Next he removed the damper plate, which was fitted new when the gbx was removed at Senibong.
There are signs that it has been "hammering' as the springs are shiny and there is dust on the plate. Further reading in manual states that often when a gbx is rebuilt the damper plate can get damaged when gbx is refitted. Considering our gbx was fitted 4 times Jerry is thinking/hoping that this is what has happened to us. Mr Choos men were not the most "gentle" of fitters. So after a wild goose chase around Denpasar yesterday we have now ordered one from the UK & it has been promptly despatched via DHL & on its way. They say 4 days, who knows how long to clear customs here and also what it will cost us. We need to fit this new one then run motor to see if noise goes to know that this is the problem. One step at a time as they say!
Talking to other yachties who have had engine bits sent they arrive ok but there is no such thing as Yacht in Transit and we have heard that anything from 0% to 80% duty having to be paid. Lucky our part is only worth $100 so if they do charge us it shouldn't break the bank account.
On top of all that is my computer somehow decided to upgrade to Windows10 yesterday??? I must have hit the wrong button but I have been saying no to this upgrade for months now. Then when we wanted to order the part we could not connect to internet for hours. I think it was a problem with Telkomsel & not Windows 10 but for a while there I was about to throw everything including the gbx (if I could lift it) over the side!
Today is a better far, nice boiled eggs for breakfast & lovely bread from Sanur. :)
During all this time Ruth (Isle Marine Services) has gone missing from office, we were desperately trying to get hold of her to have an address to send part to. But Mandi from Serangan Yacht Services who we are renting mooring from, at half the cost Ruth quoted!, came to the rescue. Ruth however still has our water pump keyway that snapped locked in her office & we would like to get it back to have a new one made as a spare. She finally emailed me last night to say she is in Jakarta at government meeting....again, according to the other yachties.
Yachts are coming & going on the new entry system, some are swapping from old CAIT to new system, even though Ruth says you cannot. I think most are going ok but I am not asking as so far no one has bothered us and I like it that way!
There is a young American, Justin, here on his own who has his left arm missing & a prosthetic left leg fitted. Justin tried leaving in November but his engine failed when motoring out. That has been rebuiltbut the gearbox was taken out 7 times before they got it right! When he tried leaving again 5 miles out his cap shroud at top of mast broke & his forestay gave way. Luckily he was able to return to Serangang without his mast coming down.
The reason I tell you this is Justin is still smiling and happy and he is a lot more agile than me even with an arm missing & one false leg!
This morning Jerry is swapping our headsail sheet ropes for heavier/thicker ones, says it will make handling the sail easier in the stronger winds! I best do some weightlifting excercises while we wait for parts.
I have since read that Microsoft were very sneaky and fooled many of its customers into upgrading to Windows 10. Glad to know why my computer did this but it could not have been at a more inconvenient time when I was trying to order gearbox part and the reason I couldn’t connect to the internet was that the upgrade used all of my internet allowance!
Water pump keyway, another win here. Ruth’s assistant eventually returned to the office and put us in touch with a local machinist who made up 2 new keyways for us in less than 24 hrs at a total cost of $30! Same job in Australia would probably take a week or more plus cost around $150 each. You have to have a win sometimes. Now we have 2 spares…just incase.
Justin. A few of you came back with the joke about the man hitch hiking and the driver pulls up and says “ Hello, you look pretty armless, why don’t you hop in I’ll give you a lift” Must admit I found it funny but now have trouble looking at Justin without repeating the joke to myself. Things have not progressed too well for Justin. He got his mast problems all fixed, with the help of another kind yachtie who went to the top of the mast for him to do the refit of cap shroud etc. However, yesterday we heard that when he started his motor his gearbox failed again. Apparently he has given up and ordered a new one from America for the cost of $1.00 plus freight. I did not realise that the old gearbox was still under warranty. Now he has to work out how to get around paying duty which on a big item like that will be $1000 +. We had a beer yesterday and Justin is still smiling. As a friend said there is a lesson to be learnt for all of us from this guy.
We are enjoying Serangan very much as we did when we stopped here in 2013. Nothing much has changed which is really good as it is very special just the way it is. Simple, uncomplicated and no tourists. The rubbish problem has improved and they obviously have that under some control, but I fear it is all just being dumped out of sight on the other side of the island. They are busy repairing the road surface so it is a little haphazard walking around the village especially at night as there are many potholes to miss.
The locals are kind, honest and friendly. Their main income is from the charter boats and yachts that moor here so they look after us well and there is no problem re security of our boat and dinghy. They go out of their way to help us and always want to chat about where we have been and where we are going.
Pojok Corner is still here and still the place to meet for a beer and have a meal. Not much on the menu still but its good basic food, the beer is sort of cold, the view is nice and the people are friendly.
An old friend of Jerry’s, John Carter, is here on holiday and we caught up with him for lunch at Sanur. John then came back to Serangan to see the boat and it was inevitable that we would end up at Pojok Corner for a few beers.
Today we cleared customs and immigration and tomorrow we leave for Dampier, Australia. Also for the first time since being here the clouds cleared enough for us to see Mt Agung as she towered above Tigress Too. Hopefully that is a good omen for our next journey.