We took 3 days to sail here from Onslow stopping off at some quite remote anchorages. The weather behaved a little better than on past passages but now we have to learn to work the tides and currents. We spent a while trying to pass Flinders Shoals where the log told us we were doing 6.5 knots but on the GPS our speed over ground was only 3 knots.
Fishing has been good, we have been catching school mackerel which are enough for 2 good meals but then I caught a whopper!
This Spanish Mackerel weighed in at 7kgs. Thank goodness for the cryovac machine and if I place the fish against the plate in the fridge it freezes. We have been eating this fish for the last 10 days.
Our passports have arrived so we now have our cruising permit (CAIT) and our visas for Indonesia. The CAIT does not start until 19th Aug so we will be here a few weeks yet before we set sail again.
As always, there is plenty to do while we wait.
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