However after 6 1/2 weeks of being a ‘marina rat’ (someone who lives on board yacht in marina & doesn’t go out sailing), we have finally left Danga Bay behind and started our trip north along the east Malaysian coast to hopefully arrive at Langkawi for Christmas.
Talking of marina rats there were a few of the rodent type that found there way onto yachts in the marina. Apart from giving you the creeps at night as they scurry across your chest in bed they also do an awful lot of damage as they gnaw their way through not just your food but the boat wiring, rubber seals and wood. They are not the kind of furry animal you want onboard so we are now stocked with allsorts devices to deter them or get rid of them if they do venture onto TToo. Jerry reckons I will nag them off.... hahaha, he is so funny!!
It was an interesting time in Danga Bay. Because it is so cheap and very central to major airports yachties seem to choose this marina as a base and leave their boats here while they take a trip home or just enjoy some inland travel for a change. It is also a good base to do any major repairs as the facilities ashore for finding engine bits & pieces are amazing. So we met and made lots of new friends and also gained a lot of information for cruising in this area.
It was also very busy at weekends with locals coming down to have dinner or just look at the yachts in the marina and have their photos taken. They were always interested to know where you are from, how long it took to sail here and what life onboard a yacht is like. This couple even asked if they could have some wedding photos taken beside our yacht. Unfortunately I was in the middle of doing the washing on the jetty and Jerry & I didn’t have time to dress for the occasion!
For us we spent our time fixing up broken bits & pieces, renewing exhaust, sewing new canvas. On the social side we had lots of happy hours at the 2 for 1 bar in the marina, cheap meals out and several visits to Singapore to stay with Peter and enjoy his company while we had the chance.
We also flew home for a very brief visit as Jerry had a medical appointment to attend and also Ben & Kate had their official engagement party. Unfortunately it was only a brief visit and consequently we did not get to see all of our friends but there is always next time OR you could always visit us!!
The weather at the moment is in the change of season from the SW Monsoon to the NE monsoon. We are also nearing towards the end of the Sumatra season, or so I believe. Strong winds that just appear from nowhere (technically from Sumatra), you get about 30 mins warning, if you are lucky, and then winds that can reach 40+ knots hit you with torrential rain, thunder and lightening. Sounds awful doesn’t it! Well so far we have been lucky. Lots of rain, thunder, and lightening that sends me into a real “oh my god, this is it, death by lightening” frenzy! I really don’t think I will ever get used to that. The lack of wind has meant that since leaving Danga Bay we have had to motor/motor sail to where we are now. But it has been very pleasant with flat calm seas and lots to look at as we head up alongside the very busy shipping channel of the Malacca Straits, dodge numerous fishing farms and nets, and enjoy looking at the very different architecture of the buildings ashore.
We are now sat very comfortably in what can only be described as pure luxury, that is after Danga Bay, at Admiral Marina just south of Port Dickson. It is extremely clean, Jerry even jumped over the side to clean the hull. Very quiet, no noise from, building sites, dredges or bands at night. It is also attached to a luxury resort so we have full use of all facilities including a very nice swimming pool that because it has a lot of trees around it can be quite cool when one puts the big toe in to test out the water. But it has proved to be a good way to cool the body down and escape the heat for a few hours a day. Of course all this comes at a price and unlike Danga Bay at $33 per week this one is $140, so we wont be here too long.
Tomorrow we head inland by local bus to the historical town of Melaka for 3 days of sightseeing. Note the difference in spelling Malacca Straits/Melaka City. Not sure why but if I can find out I shall let you know.
Today we are heading into Port Dickson for the day.
Despite a long break in Blogs we hope you haven’t given up checking as now we are on the move again I will be posting more regularly again.
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