Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Moving Onboard

We finally moved onboard 5 days ago have slept like babies ever since. It maybe the 1000m walk out to our pen on the end of D jetty with wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of 'stuff ' that is exhausting us or it may just be the gentle roll of the boat & the singsong of the wind in the rigging that is lulling us into a deep sleep. Either way its lovely to be back onboard & in our cosy bunk once more. Fitting everything onto the boat is another story & I must admit we have taken a few barrow loads back although I am not about to reveal just what. Who needs all that 'stuff' anyway!
So now we are all provisioned & just about ready to set sail. A few more boat jobs, those last minute things, a few farewell drinks, a few days relaxing & then we shall look at the weather & choose a good day to leave. There are a few boats going our way so we will have company on & off which will be nice.
Our plan is to take it easy up to Carnarvon, then sail across the Indian Ocean to Cocos Keeling Islands, north to Sumatra & on to Malaysia. Plans are to be in Langkawi for Christmas.
We will keep the blog updated with stories of our cruising as much as internet availabilty allows us & we would love to hear back from you either by posting on the blog or sending us an email.But for now its back to cupboard organising & checking the to do list (of which there is more than one!) So until we set sail....


  1. fab jean will love seeing where your at x

  2. PICS...get the photos in as they really make a blog ZING.

    Will be a lot of fun to read of the journey and the adventure...or lack of it....who knows?

  3. Hi Guys,
    Well you always said salt was in your blood...or was that in the eyes? Enjoy the sailing and fair and gentle breezes to yous and Tigress Too. Enjoy the journey
    Aussie Glen

  4. Hi
    Following your trip so Ray can too.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Just testing the 'comments' making sure my blonde hair does not have affect...

  7. Please post slice of cake!...Doug

  8. Cake looks good Jean. Will keep wrapped and in container for week or more, given the chance!. Dad off to Low Head respite on Wednesday, wonderful position overlooking top of the Tamar and the Bass Strait. Maybe this one will become his home in the future...who knows. Off to Melbourne ourselves for a week. Hope you sail soon and the weather is favourable.

  9. Nothing since May 12th.Waiting with baited breath! janice has good winds and en route Exmouth
